Tax Information
Assessments of the Southwest, Inc.
David Patterson
Brittany Keeswood
P.O. Box 1368, Friendswood, Texas 77549
(281) 482-0216
The Rate of the Ad Valorem Tax
- 2024: $0.56000
If Applicable, the Sales and Use Tax Rate
Any Tax Rate Hearing Notice
- Notices of Public Hearing on Tax Rate
- Orders Setting Tax Rate
- Tax Rate Presentations
The maintenance and operations tax rate for the preceding two years:
- 2022: $0.17000
- 2023: $0.1600
The proposed maintenance and operations tax rate for the current year:
- 2024: $0.12500
The debt service tax rate for the preceding two years:
- 2022: $0.43000
- 2023: $0.3400
The proposed debt service tax rate for the current year:
- 2024: $0.31000
The contract tax rate for the preceding two years:
- 2022: $0.16500
- 2023: $0.1400
The proposed contract tax rate for the current year:
- 2024: $0.12500